This last weekend was pretty wild for us. We were pretty jam packed with activities. The girls both performed at festival of trees. Kensie actually performed twice. She sang with the Dworshak Kindergarten classes on Friday afternoon. I think that I need to get my head examined because when I worked in Burley and everything was within a few miles drive, I drove the junky white car that got 30 miles to the gallon. Now that I work in Rupert, which is a 9 mile drive from home, I drive a gas guzzling pickup that gets 16 miles to the gallon. So, a drive to Burley Friday afternoon to watch Kensie perform cost me $3.07, when in the white car it would have cost me around $1.53 to make the same trip. The price you pay to ride in style. I don't even think about what it costs me to watch my little girls perform, because it is very much worth the trip. I think that the moment I make work or money more important that seeing my girls grow up first hand is the day that I have lost touch with what is important in life.
The good thing is that the girls had 2 dance performances over in Rupert, so I was really close to go and watch those. I actually like working in Rupert because alot of bank customers have no idea who I am or who my parents are. When I was in Burley, it seemed like most people knew me from when I was young or knew my parents. Not that them knowing my parents is a negative thing, because it was not at all. I just like the fact that I am not the "little boy" they use to know. In Rupert, I can kind of be my own Man, (insert Tim Allen impersonation here). I am learning more about my job responsibilities each and every day. Sometimes when I sit and think about what I am responsible for at the bank, I feel like I am too young to have so much responsibility on my shoulders. Good thing I am not much of a thinker, because I might implode.
Andrea threw a bridal shower Saturday for a girl in the ward. Andrea works with her mom, Lisa, at Dr. Pickup's office. This girl does not have any sisters, so Andrea was her sister for the day and threw her a bridal shower. I took the girls and went out to Mom and Dad's to help hang Christmas lights. I am not sure what Dad was doing Thanksgiving weekend, because the weather was warm and windless. This last Saturday it was probably in the low 20's with the windchill, and there I am up on the roof, stepping over snow drifts, thinking to myself that at least I have some life insurance to help Andrea out until she finds a replacement husband. I am serious, I was sitting at the peak of the roof leaning over to slide the light hanger under the shingles and I thought to myself which would snap first if I fell; my neck or my back? I looked down and there is dad, feet firmly on the ground, nonchalantly wrapping lights around the vinyl fence. I even think I could here him whistling. My life was in the balance up on the roof and dad was worried if he had enough lights to make it to the end of the fence. Yeah, I had sucker written across my forehead, actually it was wind burnt onto my forehead.
Denton and Virgene Darrington had a family Christmas party at their house Monday night. We were invited to attend and went to visit, eat, and get presents. Yeah, we were told presents, but it turned out they were not the presents I was thinking. Denton goes to different conventions as a senator and collects stuff, to put it nicely. It is the kind of stuff you get when walking through the commercial building during fair time. Various items with the business logo on them. Picture in your minds eye the following scenario. Crowded into the bonus room above Denton and Virgene's garage are 40 Darringtons of different ages. Denton is standing at the end of this room hovering over a table filled with bottles, bags, pins, pencils, rulers, stuffed animals, T-shirts, etc, etc. There are probably close to 200 items on this table. He picks up each item, tells you exactly what it is down to the wording written across it. After each description, 20 different hands go up and you here 20 different, "Me!Me!Me!" yelled at him. Denton scans the faces of the hands and through the power of deduction and reasoning.... okay, he just gestures the item toward a couple of different hands in mock throwing motions, and then finally throws it to whomever he feels like throwing it to. It is easily on of the funnies things that I have witnessed in a long time.
If he can't think of the proper term for the item, he describes to you what it is used for and how it can benefit you. "I have here a sticky thing that you put on the dashboard of your car to hold cell phones, sun glasses, or whatever you need to hold on the dash of your car, I have one of these and they are great!" he exclaims with the tenacity of a used car salesman sealing the deal. Denton truly enjoyed giving away all of this stuff he had collected. After about 1/2 hour, each kid in the room had at least 3 items, and their excitement had worn off. I don't know if it is the fact that these kids have been given the same kind of stuff year after year and they don't want any more of it, or if they just got bored after so long. Not my girls. Every item that Denton held up, they would jump up and down and yell, "Me!Me!Me!Me!" I think Kensie got at least 10 different items and Ellie probably got 8 things. It was really quite humorous. It was a fun party. I think about all of the Darringtons that live in Declo, and I really can't think of any of them that are weird or strange. They are just some really good people.
This coming weekend Andrea is going to Utah with Mom and Kristen to shop and see the lights at Temple Square. I am staying home with the kids. I will let you know how that goes next time. until then. Later.